The Present Professional

051 - How To Prepare For Leading An Engaging Workshop or Meeting

John Marshall & Tony Holmes

In this episode, we discuss preparation strategies for leading a group experience. You'll be able to apply them whether or not you're preparing to organize a conference, talk, or conduct a meeting with your church group. People have different learning styles, and how to reach the most people starts with how you prepare.

We'll touch on many of our experiences leading group workshops, giving talks, and leading meetings at different parts of our career and how it has shifted as we've grown. Our preparation has also evolved with technology, as it has impacted how people take in information worldwide.

Take care of the logistics and preparation with the vigor you want your performance to reflect when leading the engagement live. When you get all that out of the way and test your plan to deliver, you can focus your energy on being present with your people. Because the most important thing to take from this episode is being able to adapt in the moment comes from building a strong foundation in your preparation. 

Start putting these insights into practice, and let us know what you're experiencing with them. We'd love to hear your feedback and ideas for future episodes. Connect with us below!

Visit our WEBSITE  and work with us directly to bring the topics from this episode and more into your life and the lives of your people.

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The Present Professional | Instagram
Coach John Marshall | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook
Coach Tony Holmes | Instagram | LinkedIn

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