The Present Professional

050 - Rose Williams on Being Well and How to Build Successful Wellness Programs at Your Institution

John Marshall & Tony Holmes

Thank you for joining us on this journey to 50 episodes! We wouldn't be here without you, our listeners. We're eternally grateful for you.

In today's episode, we're thrilled to have Rose Williams join us for a conversation on being well and incorporating programs that support it in our institutions. Rose brings a strong background in Public Health to her understanding of higher education and the student life landscape. She is the Associate Director for Student Wellness at Elon University, working with her team to champion a campus culture of holistic well-being. She's pursuing her doctorate with Tony at the University of Southern California, focusing her research interests on women's leadership, employee well-being, and family dynamics.

This conversation goes well beyond the institution and will give you insight into her personal well-being journey. Through that, you'll be able to walk away with tools and knowledge that you can bring into your life today. Beyond that, we dive into social and historical factors influencing public health and well-being and how we might move beyond those as a culture.

We can't wait for you to hear this one. Connect with Rose on LinkedIn HERE.

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Coach John Marshall | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook
Coach Tony Holmes | Instagram | LinkedIn

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